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Tutor in Willows, Bloemfontein
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I am a humble, honest, smart, intelligent and hardworking person with good communication skills. I ensure to meet set goals.
Tutor in Willows, Bloemfontein
Tutor in Willows, Bloemfontein
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I am a hardworking, dedicated and loving person who has a passion for learning and teaching.
Tutor in Willows, Bloemfontein
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12 Hours Tutored
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I am Samukelo, an Engineering student who loves sharing knowledge. My aim is to help anyone who needs my assistance regarding to their studies. I have deep understanding for both Maths and Physics.
Tutor in Willows, Bloemfontein
Tutor in Willows, Bloemfontein
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Tladi Judith is a confident and an easy person to socialize with. I find it easy to motivate myself through every situation.
Tutor in Willows, Bloemfontein
Tutor in Willows, Bloemfontein
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I am passionate about education. I am a dedicated and outgoing person and I am good with people.
Tutor in Willows, Bloemfontein
Tutor in Willows, Bloemfontein
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38 Hours Tutored
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I work as a lecturer's assistant at Central University of Technology and am currently registered for a master's degree in mechanical engineering.
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Tutor in Noordhoek, Bloemfontein
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540 Hours Tutored
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As a tutor, I prioritise punctuality and patience while pursuing goals. Adapting to change is important to me, and I excel at compliance and meeting deadlines.
Tutor in Fichardt Park, Bloemfontein
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291 Hours Tutored
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I am a very enthusiastic person and will strive to face any challenges I come across. Problem-solving is my passion.
Tutor in Shellyvale, Bloemfontein
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191 Hours Tutored
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I am a recent BCom graduate who is passionate about Economics and Finance. I was a Business Management Tutor in my Second Year, and for fun - I love all things health and fitness related..
Tutor in Waverley, Bloemfontein
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279 Hours Tutored
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As a major in Mathematics and Physics, I firmly believe in not only teaching students how to solve problems, but to also encourage and guide them to understand and think critically about any problem.
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