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Tia P

Tutor in Bryanston, Sandton • 28 years old

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I am currently a graduate Mechatronics Engineering student from the University of Cape Town. I enjoy hiking, reading, art and have a passion for the environment.

I am friendly, confident and genuinely enjoy helping others. I have been in various leadership positions such as prefect in High School and house committee member at my university residence which taught me how to work with other people as well as how to help others from a position of leadership. I have previously tutored classes and individuals so I understand what this entails.


• Matriculated with 8 distinctions from Jeppe High School for Girls
• 2015 - 2019 BSc (Eng) in Mechatronics, University of Cape Town
• Tutored for Intuition Tutors
• Tutoring for Jeppe High School for Girls

My Proudest

• Achieving 8 distinctions in high school, 7 valedictory awards and obtaining a bursary from the CSIR.
• Completing the FNB OneRun 12km Marathon.
• Completing my Engineering degree.


  • School Tutoring


Grade 1 - Grade 12 NSC

Numbers and mathematics comes naturally to me and I enjoy working with them. I have previously tutored classes for grade 10,11 and 12 at Jeppe High School for Girls as well as individual tutoring for a private tutoring company in Cape Town.

Physical Science

Grade 1 - Grade 12 NSC

I am currently studying towards a degree in Engineering and have to use physical concepts regularly. I have previously tutored classes for grade 10-12 at Jeppe High School for Girls as well as individual tutoring for a private tutoring company.

Advanced Mathematics

Grade 1 - Grade 12 IEB

I am currently studying towards a degree in Engineering and have completed many higher level math courses which use advanced math concepts. I have tutored classes for grade 10-12 at Jeppe High School for Girls as well as tutoring for IntuitionTutors.


Tia will travel up to 5km from Bryanston, Sandton, Gauteng to you.

Approximate location and area of coverage.

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