Highest Quality Business Studies Tutors in West Village, Krugersdorp. Get Business Studies Lessons in your home with Teach Me 2
Get a Business Studies tutorTutor in West Village, Krugersdorp
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This subject helped me develop my entrepreneurial skills as well as get a better understanding of the business sector and the different types of companies and organisations. I learned to think critically and solve problems in innovative ways.
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Tutor in Roodepoort, Gauteng
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473 Hours Tutored
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I have been teaching high school subjects for the past 10 years at a remedial school grade 7-12. I studied Business Management until 4th year university.
Tutor in Oaktree, Muldersdrift
Tutor in Oaktree, Muldersdrift
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I did very well in business studies at a school level and am now studying business management at university
Tutor in Ferndale, Randburg
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128 Hours Tutored
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I am proud of the work I have done so far as a part-time tutor and a University student, and look forward to many more opportunities to gain experience and help others with my skill set. I have experience tutoring this subject, and I volunteered for the EU-SA climate diplomacy week.
Tutor in Kagiso, Krugersdorp
Tutor in Kagiso, Krugersdorp
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14 Hours Tutored
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Business studies are vital in a world where we strive to produce entrepreneurs who are business-minded. I make a great tutor for business studies because I understand how it impacts our everyday lives and the economy.
Tutor in Helderkruin, Roodepoort
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228 Hours Tutored
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I am very good at understanding the concepts as I read a lot of material involving business. My essays were very well written and understood. I was very involved in the extra classes provided and I would also teach learners the relevant concepts.
Tutor in Helderkruin, Roodepoort
Tutor in Helderkruin, Roodepoort
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I achieved the top academic award for Business Studies in grade 10, 11 and 12. I am passionate about the subject and find creative ways to study.
Tutor in City and Suburban, Johannesburg
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198 Hours Tutored
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I have attained good grades for the subject at Advanced Level and have acquired an in-depth understanding of the subject through university studies.
Tutor in Discovery, Roodepoort
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36 Hours Tutored
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I am passionate about Business Studies and excelled at it in High School, passing with an 'A'. I am currently completing my studies in a Business Science degree at Monash South Africa.
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