These are the Highest Quality Drama Tutors in Gauteng. Get Drama Lessons in your home with Teach Me 2 – the Best in Tutoring
Get a Drama tutorTutor in Lynnwood Ridge, Pretoria
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30 Hours Tutored
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I am a dedicated and excited tutor who enjoys helping students reach their full potential. I have a passion for Drama and love working with different kinds of students. I always aim to help students become better performers and critical thinkers.
Tutor in Kyalami Estate, Midrand
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71 Hours Tutored
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I am currently a 3rd year student at the University of Witswatersrand studying Theatre and Performance. Through high school I explored and developed studying methods that helped me and my peers achieve fantastic results. I enjoy helping other students achieve their goals and aspirations!
Tutor in Zevenfontein 407-Jr, Midrand
51 Hours Tutored
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I am extremely passionate about Drama, and I find the way to truly thrive in it you have to master the practical and theoretical aspects.
Tutor in Magaliessig, Sandton
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40 Hours Tutored
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I was incredibly grateful for dramatic arts at school, as I felt it contributes to the understanding of various characters, the history of screenplay and dramatic arts performances. I feel that drama is an art that holds a mirror up to reality.
Tutor in Bedfordview, Johannesburg
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97 Hours Tutored
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I have a B.A Honour in Dramatic Arts and am a High school Drama teacher.
Tutor in Onderstepoort, Pretoria
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28 Hours Tutored
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I was involved in theatre performances throughout my high school career and achieved top marks for my theory. I have tutored students in this subject.
Tutor in Melrose, Johannesburg
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63 Hours Tutored
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I did extra-mural drama from Year 1 to 12 which I loved.
Tutor in Morningside, Sandton
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67 Hours Tutored
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Dramatic Arts was one of my chosen subjects in high school, and I achieved 74% for the subject.
Tutor in Monument Park, Pretoria
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40 Hours Tutored
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I chose Drama as a subject in grade 8. In grade 10 I passed the Speech & Drama College Final Examination with honours. I have a good understanding of the theoretical work, but will also be able to assist learners with their practical assignments.
Tutor in Westdene, Johannesburg
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59 Hours Tutored
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I not only graduated from the National School of the Arts, I also spent 10 years as a full-time stage actress. I have worked behind the scenes and on screen. I most recently worked at a company, where I trained professional actors. I have attended the New York Film Academy.
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Subjects offered in Gauteng