These are the Highest Quality French Tutors in Grobler Park, Roodepoort. Get French Lessons in your home with Teach Me 2 – the Best in Tutoring
Get a French tutorTutor in Grobler Park, Roodepoort
Tutor in Grobler Park, Roodepoort
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785 Hours Tutored
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I obtained my Master's degree in the teaching of French as a foreign language in Paris, France in 2011. I am a great tutor for French as I have a deep appreciation and understanding of the content. I thoroughly enjoy analysing the literature.
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Tutor in Riviera, Johannesburg
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344 Hours Tutored
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I am fluent in French and speak it as my second language. I love to share the language, especially in South Africa where it is so well received.
Tutor in Ferndale, Randburg
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164 Hours Tutored
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I am a native French speaker, and hold a C1 qualification in French proficiency. I am passionate about helping students to master the French language, and am able to break down complex concepts into understandable sections!
Tutor in Florida Park, Roodepoort
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667 Hours Tutored
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Being a native French speaker who had to learn English taught me much on the difficulties that come with learning a new language. Hence having been able to master both languages, I would like to be part of someone else journey by offering lessons that will make your journey easier and fun.
Tutor in Brentwood Park, Benoni
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284 Hours Tutored
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I am from a mainly French-speaking country and French is my home language. I would love to teach this language to anyone who wants to learn it.
Tutor in Horison, Roodepoort
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623 Hours Tutored
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I am a native French speaker and have experience teaching at an academy focusing on preparing students for the Cambridge Exams.
Tutor in Fairland, Randburg
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350 Hours Tutored
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French is my home language and I would love to be able to help others learn it. It is widely considered to be an incredibly beautiful language and so to be able to help others become fluent in it would be very rewarding for me.
Tutor in Bordeaux, Johannesburg
292 Hours Tutored
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I'm a native French speaker: I have a deep knowledge about teaching French to people so that they can understand, speak, and write in French. I completed my Matric in a francophone country.
Tutor in Barbeque Downs, Midrand
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449 Hours Tutored
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I am a Native french speaking person.
Tutor in Olivedale, Randburg
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648 Hours Tutored
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Love languages. Spoken French not fluent but reading comprehension good. Familiar with syllabus. My support of each student is individualized and tailored to meet their specific needs in the language while building up their learning confidence in a caring and patient manner.
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