These are the Highest Quality Genetics Tutors in Walmer, Gqeberha. Get Genetics Lessons in your home with Teach Me 2 – the Best in Tutoring
Get a Genetics tutorTutor in Walmer, Gqeberha
Tutor in Walmer, Gqeberha
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Genetics is a fascinating subject which I have excelled at achieving a distinction. I would like to use my knowledge to help others to excel as well. I am patient and diligent. I will also provide support to the student from theory to the practical application of it.
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313 Hours Tutored
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I have completed two years worth of genetics courses, covering introductory genetics, molecular genetics, and genetic diversity and evolution.
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509 Hours Tutored
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I am a passionate Genetics tutor who thrives on addressing misconceptions. By breaking down challenging concepts into relatable explanations, I make genetics not only understandable but also fascinating, empowering students to succeed with confidence.
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458 Hours Tutored
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Genetic principles are very important and I enjoyed learning it and applying it throughout my degree. Helping students to understand these principles would be an honor.
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373 Hours Tutored
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I have a BSc in Genetics, my favourite field in Science! This field is an intricate network and quite easy to understand if someone takes the time to break it up into smaller sections and then look back at the big picture. I find Genetics to be closely linked to Maths as you use logical thinking.
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464 Hours Tutored
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I am studying a double major BSc degree in physiology and genetics. I am a 3rd year student so I believe I can help with the work content to the second year level.
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267 Hours Tutored
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I have had experience in explaining the concepts in genetics as I typed out and sold my notes during the course of this year. I addition, I am interested in pursuing this field of science further and thus have a good understanding of the subject.
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453 Hours Tutored
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Genetics is a subject one has to understand to apply it. I find genetics very interesting, and I am good at it . I also did my Hons project in Genetics. I would love to help others understand it as well.
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419 Hours Tutored
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I use extensive study tools and diagrams to help students understand a tricky subject. My goal is to help students understand the basic concepts, apply their knowledge and to do well in their exams.
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996 Hours Tutored
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I have mastered the concepts of studying theory in genetics on time with a brief understanding of Molecular Genetics. I have mentored first years on Molecular Genetics in my final year of studying and all of them have done exceptionally good on this module.
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Subjects offered in Walmer