These are the Highest Quality Hebrew Tutors in Fort Beaufort. Get Hebrew Lessons in your home with Teach Me 2 – the Best in Tutoring
Get a Hebrew tutorTutor in Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape
Tutor in Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape
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I lectured Classical Hebrew at University and co-authored a introductory text book.
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178 Hours Tutored
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I strongly believe in building a strong foundation in a language subject and plan to cater to the individual needs of my student. I took Hebrew as a subject throughout my schooling career and wish to pass on the knowledge I acquired.
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I studied Hebrew at Jewish day school from 2nd to 12th grade, and lived in Israel during my 9th-grade year of high school, attending a Hebrew-language Israeli public school.
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54 Hours Tutored
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I am a great Hebrew tutor because I am the daughter of an Israeli! Hebrew has been in my life since I was very young and I love it.
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356 Hours Tutored
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I am fluent in Hebrew and have been studying Hebrew since I was 7 years old. I've spent some time living in Israel, and continued my Hebrew studies at university in South Africa and in Israel. I love teaching Hebrew.
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As a tutor, I am here for you or your child to help them succeed academically and ease the stress of being a student. I will always tutor as I want to be tutored with patience, understanding, and my full, undivided attention.
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