Highest Quality Life Sciences (Biology) Tutors in Cape Town. Get Life Sciences (Biology) Lessons in your home with Teach Me 2
Get a Life Sciences (Biology) tutorTutor in Wynberg, Cape Town
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Although Drama and English were my main passions in high school, I knew the importance of being a well-rounded student. Life sciences opened many potential paths for me, and I would like to help other students to achieve the same.
Tutor in Table View, Cape Town
Tutor in Table View, Cape Town
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I have studied Life Sciences all my life, from high school to university level where I performed exceptionally. I am also a qualified Life Sciences teacher. I am confident in my ability to help develop your passion for Life Sciences.
Tutor in Rondebosch, Cape Town
Tutor in Rondebosch, Cape Town
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I have my PGCE (Post Graduate Certificate in Education) in Life Science. I am fully capable on tutoring Life Science from any age/grade. It is a huge passion of mine and I would love to extend this passion onto others around me.
Tutor in Observatory, Cape Town
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13 Hours Tutored
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I have studied pure biology for IGCSE, AS-Level and A-Level from 2018 to 2020 and have extensive knowledge on both plant and human biology. I am currently studying biochemistry, first year student at University of Cape Town.
Tutor in Milnerton, Cape Town
Tutor in Milnerton, Cape Town
19 Hours Tutored
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I have continued studying Human Biology in university, expanding my knowledge on the subject. I have experience in tutoring first year university level Human Biology and achieved great results in the subject throughout high school.
Tutor in Claremont, Cape Town
Tutor in Claremont, Cape Town
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12 Hours Tutored
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I specialised in the area. It's pretty much my area of expertise. I have a Masters degree in Biology and I am currently pursuing a PhD in Immunology.
Tutor in Claremont, Cape Town
Tutor in Claremont, Cape Town
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16 Hours Tutored
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My love for Biology ignited my journey to become a Medical Scientist, armed with a Master's in Medical Virology.
Tutor in Mowbray, Cape Town
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I achieved a distinction in Biology in Gr 12 and will be able to help learners achieve better marks in this subject.
Tutor in Vredehoek, Cape Town
Tutor in Vredehoek, Cape Town
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13 Hours Tutored
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I achieved within the top 2% of matriculates in South Africa for biology. It’s definitely one of my passions and I’d love to help anyone struggling and give them my personal tips to achieve to the best of their ability.
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