Highest Quality Life Sciences (Biology) Tutors in Johannesburg. Get Life Sciences (Biology) Lessons in your home with Teach Me 2
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Tutor in Johannesburg, Johannesburg
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I have a strong passion for Biology hence I am currently studying to be a medical anthropologist. I have been volunteering to teach life science at my former high school from 2015-2016.
Tutor in Parktown, Johannesburg
Tutor in Parktown, Johannesburg
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I excelled in Life Sciences during high school, achieving a distinction in my final exam. For my ORT in Life Sciences I obtained 99%.
Tutor in Melville, Johannesburg
Tutor in Melville, Johannesburg
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Microbial Genetics and Current Topics in Microbiology, at the University of Witwatersrand, exposed me to the global trends in molecular biosciences and its advancement in the fields of human health and agricultural biotechnology.
Tutor in Rembrandt Park, Johannesburg
Tutor in Rembrandt Park, Johannesburg
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Life Sciences has formed the basis of my university degree (BSc genetics & biochemistry). I have solid foundational understanding of the subject and a great tertiary knowledge of the field.
Tutor in Parktown, Johannesburg
Tutor in Parktown, Johannesburg
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I took biology in school and I’m currently completing a biomedical sciences degree and achieved an exemption last year (2nd year).
Tutor in Parktown, Johannesburg
Tutor in Parktown, Johannesburg
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Being a medical student, Biology is my passion. I really thrived on this subject in high school, and it was one of the primary motivators for my choice to study medicine at WITS.
Tutor in Killarney, Johannesburg
Tutor in Killarney, Johannesburg
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Find this subject very easy to teach since I am able to simplify it & give clear explanations
Tutor in Wanderers View Estate, Johannesburg
Tutor in Wanderers View Estate, Johannesburg
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Although I'm an Accounting student, Life Sciences was my favorite subject back in high school. I find it very interesting and I like how it has still been able to intrigue me even up to today
Tutor in Linksfield, Johannesburg
Tutor in Linksfield, Johannesburg
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I enjoy Biology and went on to study it at university-level.
Tutor in Rosebank, Johannesburg
Tutor in Rosebank, Johannesburg
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It's good to have an understanding of one's body in order to be able to maintain good health. I have also managed to use some of the knowledge that I acquired in my Msc which has the involvement of microorganisms.
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