Highest Quality Public Relations Tutors in Pretoria North, Pretoria. Get Public Relations Lessons in your home with Teach Me 2
Get a Public Relations tutorTutor in Pretoria North, Pretoria
Tutor in Pretoria North, Pretoria
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I have taught subjects such as Public Relations, Communication Science, Media Studies and others etc. I have obtained a master degree in the field of Public Relations Management and currently completing a doctorate degree in the same field.
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Tutor in Pretoria, Gauteng
Tutor in Pretoria, Gauteng
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Highly innovative and energetic lecturer and researcher with considerable experience in tertiary education. A great communicator with a strong passion in education. My career mission is to provide empowering education to the young people by applying innovative teaching materials and approaches.
Tutor in La Lucia, uMhlanga
Tutor in La Lucia, uMhlanga
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156 Hours Tutored
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My tutoring sessions are designed to enhance strategic communication skills, media relations, and crisis management. I focus on applying theoretical knowledge to real-world scenarios, preparing students for success in the dynamic field of public relations.
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39 Hours Tutored
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I have done a Diploma in Marketing as well as a BA in Communication, which meant that I did it twice and will ensure that you will love Public Relations.
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Public Relations was a fantastic way to further explore the English Language as it shows you the best way to alter and influence ideas and perceptions through word choice.
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I have my 3 year bcom degree in strategic management. I have gained knowledge of this module at university level. I found that when reading and interpreting the information I was able to understand, and I will offer my knowledge about this module to the best of my ability.
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I have done this module in 1st, 2nd and 3rd year at Pearson Institute of Higher Education in Midrand. I can help you with this module using different methods of teaching to smother your learning journey.
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I have studied a degree in Bachelor of Arts in which I majored in English and Communication. I was exposed to a lot of PR modules during my BA. I feel confident and excited to teach Public Relations to others! I am a patient, fun person to interact with.
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Subjects offered in Pretoria North