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Wajedah A

Tutor in Forest Hill, Johannesburg South • 34 years old

Request Wajedah

Cannot tutor online

Can tutor in person


I am a young dynamic person. I love teaching young learners. Always willing to help people and go the extra mile.

Always putting their needs before mine. Making a difference in their life. I have been told that I make a great teacher. I put my at most best in everything that I do.


• 2010 I have completed my ECD level 5. I have worked 1 year as a grade R teacher in 2012 and then 2013 I became grade leader for the grade R classes. I have been enjoying it since then.

My Proudest

• I have qualified in grade r teaching. I have attended workshops to work with special need learners. Everyday making a learner smile because they understand is my biggest accomplishment.


  • Language Tutoring



I have been teaching Grade R since 2013.


Wajedah will travel up to 15km from Forest Hill, Johannesburg South, Gauteng to you.

Approximate location and area of coverage.

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