Highest Quality Additional Mathematics Tutors in Monument Extension, Krugersdorp. Get Additional Mathematics Lessons in your home with Teach Me 2
Get an Additional Mathematics tutorTutor in Monument Extension, Krugersdorp
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81 Hours Tutored
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I was the top academic at my High School with numerous awards provincially. Mathematics is one of my favorite subjects.
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Tutor in Blairgowrie, Randburg
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412 Hours Tutored
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Maths is a language, and it is found in every aspect of life. As an Engineering student I continuously use it in my studies and practicals.
Tutor in Witpoortjie, Roodepoort
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65 Hours Tutored
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With a passion for advanced mathematics, I provide high-quality tutoring in the field of additional mathematics. Gain a deeper understanding, enhance your problem-solving skills, and unlock your full potential with my dedicated guidance and support.
Tutor in Cosmo City, Roodepoort
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632 Hours Tutored
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I am currently teaching Mathematics to IGCSE, AS and A-level (Cambridge syllabus). I have several years of experience of teaching Mathematics to Grade 8 -12 (CAPS and IEB syllabi).
Tutor in Roodekrans, Roodepoort
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49 Hours Tutored
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I have taught and tutored mathematics for students from Grades 1 - 9, throughout various curriculums. I am confident when teaching mathematics and have made and gathered various resources, memos, etc. I use multiple teaching styles and am passionate about teaching, especially teaching mathematics.
Tutor in Wilgeheuwel, Roodepoort
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12 Hours Tutored
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I love STEM subjects and I’m a qualified engineer who went into music full time. I want to teach these types of subjects to keep myself sharp and help students who are struggling.
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1538 Hours Tutored
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I did Mathematics in high school and am very passionate about the subject.
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1422 Hours Tutored
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I achieved 90% for Math in my final year of high school and I continued to excel in Math at university. I have been tutoring Math for a couple of years now.
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6136 Hours Tutored
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Building upon my exceptional performance in Advanced Mathematics, I embarked on a captivating journey to pursue a Bachelor's degree in Mathematics & Statistics. My dedication to education has resulted in remarkable achievements, as I have contributed to the success of learners worldwide.
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1312 Hours Tutored
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Additional Mathematics is a subject that I took for 3 years in High School (Grade 10 - Grade 12). Only a select few were chosen for the Additional Mathematics class. I passed Additional Mathematics with a near distinction
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Subjects offered in Monument Extension