Highest Quality Additional Mathematics Tutors in South Africa. Get Additional Mathematics Lessons in your home with Teach Me 2
Get an Additional Mathematics tutorTutor in Sunnydale, Cape Town
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112 Hours Tutored
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I have tutored Mathematics for years now.
Tutor in Bergvliet, Cape Town
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164 Hours Tutored
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Have tutored (and currently tutor) maths to a few students up to Year 12 (and occasionally 1st Year university) Work as a full time numerical modeller (applied mathematician / scientist) Love teaching :)
Tutor in Cape Farms, Cape Town
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117 Hours Tutored
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Being my favourite subject, I’m a great Mathematics tutor who teaches this subject with so much enthusiasm and passion. I’ve helped many students achieve great matric results in Mathematics. Helping others to achieve good results is fulfilling.
Tutor in East-Rural, Cape Town
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88 Hours Tutored
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I have over 10 years experience tutoring and helping students to realise their full potential.Mathematics is my hobby up to tertiary level.
Tutor in Menlo Park, Pretoria
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108 Hours Tutored
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I did Additional Mathematics in Matric and I'm currently studying Mathematics at the University of Pretoria, therefore I believe I have the ability to tutor this subject.
Tutor in Sundowner, Randburg
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105 Hours Tutored
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I have experience tutoring a Mathematics refresher course at NorthWest University. I feel passionate about being able to transfer my skills to other learners so that their results can improve.
Tutor in Highveld, Centurion
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105 Hours Tutored
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I have completed Mathematics on School and Tertiary Level (BSc Aeronautical Engineering) and understand both the theory and real world applications.
Tutor in Sandown, Sandton
Tutor in Sandown, Sandton
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88 Hours Tutored
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I take Algebra1 and Calculus1 at the University of the Witwatersrand which gives me a better understanding of this subject.
Tutor in Secunda, Secunda
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160 Hours Tutored
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I am currently studying Mathematics at University level, doing my post graduate in Mathematics. I have excellent tutoring experience with Mathematics, and teaching is my passion.
Tutor in Gately, East London
116 Hours Tutored
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I am a Professional Software Engineer who specializes in solving complex problems. This skill comes from my strong ability in Comp Sci which is an Applied Math's discipline. I now spend my free time developing my Data and Security skillset to ultimate prepare for a career in Autonomous Systems.
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