These are the Highest Quality Afrikaans Tutors in Actonville, Benoni. Get Afrikaans Lessons in your home with Teach Me 2 – the Best in Tutoring
Get an Afrikaans tutorTutor in Actonville, Benoni
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450 Hours Tutored
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I have a Bachelor of Education Degree as well as extensive training and experience in being an Educator. I have also been doing private tutoring and home schooling for over 3 years, and have particular experience with Afrikaans.
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Tutor in Rynfield, Benoni
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1066 Hours Tutored
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I am Afrikaans speaking. I have TeachMe2 experience in Afrikaans. I have 5 stars and almost 1000 hours of tutoring experience with Teach Me 2. My grade 7 student of 2023 got 70% on one of his tests and improved drastically.
Tutor in Jansen Park, Boksburg
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133 Hours Tutored
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I like studying language, poetry and literature. I am tutoring Afrikaans for Matric Students. (Impaq syllabis)
Tutor in Northmead, Benoni
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875 Hours Tutored
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I excelled at Afrikaans during high school. I have a keen interest in the subject and would love to pass on my knowledge to others. I achieved an A in Afrikaans.
Tutor in Daveyton, Benoni
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561 Hours Tutored
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I have always excelled in Afrikaans throughout school and I passed the subject with a distinction in Grade 12, obtaining 87%. I have excellent understanding of Afrikaans both as a school subject and as a language. I facilitate tutoring in all aspects of this language and learners will be equipped.
Tutor in Kempton Park Cbd, Kempton Park
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240 Hours Tutored
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With my guidance, students have achieved remarkable improvements in their Afrikaans grades. They have developed a passion for the language and adopted a strong work ethic, leading to outstanding results.
Tutor in Witfield, Boksburg
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242 Hours Tutored
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I have a knack for languages. I am excellent at Afrikaans as it is my home language.
Tutor in Farrarmere, Benoni
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131 Hours Tutored
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I received 83% for FAL Afrikaans in Matric. I can speak, read and write the language well.
Tutor in Geduld, Springs
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972 Hours Tutored
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I have a passion for Afrikaans and love helping students overcome challenges in learning the language. My goal is to share its beauty while guiding you through its intricacies, ensuring you build confidence and mastery.
Tutor in Betty's Bay, Western Cape
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246 Hours Tutored
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My home language is Afrikaans. I am capable of tutoring Afrikaans 1st and 2nd language to students of all ages and adults. It is always my goal to make Afrikaans interesting and fun for the students. Whoohoo... Let's start with S*TOMP*I
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