Highest Quality Arts & Culture Tutors in Baillie Park, Potchefstroom. Get Arts & Culture Lessons in your home with Teach Me 2
Get an Arts & Culture tutorTutor in Baillie Park, Potchefstroom
Tutor in Baillie Park, Potchefstroom
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During grade 10 to 12 I had Visual Arts as a subject & it was entrenched with history and the learning of skills. This included various mediums such as watercolor, acrylic etc.
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398 Hours Tutored
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The arts are my passion. All three of my choice subjects in high school were in the arts field and I also pursued activities outside of school. I am also currently doing a Bachelor of Arts in Film and Media at UCT.
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353 Hours Tutored
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I have witnessed learners gaining valuable perspectives on the subject matter, fostering their motivation to explore and excel. Focuses on developing the thoughts of learners and ensures that creative arts is brewed fully. Art concepts are exposed fully to learners.
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99 Hours Tutored
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I am an adept tutor who has a deep passion and love for the arts and culture. I strive to inspire and engage students in the world of art, fostering a love for creative expression and cultural understanding.
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492 Hours Tutored
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I have worked as a professional artist and university lecturer for many years. I have enjoyed wide exposure in the arts and culture environment locally and abroad. As such, I have a solid understanding of its foundational paradigms and dynamics .
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95 Hours Tutored
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I have taught grade 8 Art for the past 2 years. I took Art till grade 12 and am very passionate about Arts and Culture and enjoy teaching the subject.
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252 Hours Tutored
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I have 5+ years of experience teaching Arts & Culture. I know the curriculum expectations in regards to this subject very well and will be able to help my student reach all the set objectives.
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470 Hours Tutored
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I enjoy Arts & Culture and performed very well in it throughout my Primary School and early High School career.
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170 Hours Tutored
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Achieved High results in the Arts and Culture IEB syllabus, and since then have honed my skills teaching a multitude of subjects and levels of student. I'm able to break down complicated concepts and convey them in a simple, easy to understand and tailor-made way.
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426 Hours Tutored
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I have always felt intrigued by this subject and I have also pursued the subject at tertiary level, which gives me a deeper understanding of the content.
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Subjects offered in Baillie Park