These are the Highest Quality Business Studies Tutors in North West. Get Business Studies Lessons in your home with Teach Me 2 – the Best in Tutoring
Get a Business Studies tutorTutor in Rustenburg North, Rustenburg
Tutor in Rustenburg North, Rustenburg
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15 Hours Tutored
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I have an honors degree in Economics and a PGCE (FET&Senior Phase). I have been teaching since 2006. In my current job i have recorded a 100% pass rate in Economics in Rustenburg, Bojanala District.
Tutor in Potchefstroom, Potchefstroom
Tutor in Potchefstroom, Potchefstroom
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I took Business Studies up to a University level and have achieved distinctions across the board.
Tutor in Potchefstroom, Potchefstroom
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31 Hours Tutored
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I had business studies as a school subject and passed the subject in matric with an average of 86%. I am also currently in my third year of studying charted and forensic accountancy, which has advanced my knowledge in accounting, finance and business.
Tutor in Mogwase Unit 4, North West
Tutor in Mogwase Unit 4, North West
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I did Business Management when completing my BBA and PGCE; I obtained a distinction for the PGCE for Business Studies theory and practice. I have two years of experience teaching the subject to high school kids.
Tutor in Potchefstroom, Potchefstroom
Tutor in Potchefstroom, Potchefstroom
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Besigheidstudies was lag-lag my gunstelling vak op skool. Dit sal vir my ‘n eer wees om my studiemetodes te kan deel. Ek is ‘n geduldige persoon en geniet dit om mense te kan help.
Tutor in Potchefstroom, Potchefstroom
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29 Hours Tutored
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I have been a tutor for close to one year and all my students get 80% and above. I am patient which makes it easier for me to work with people. I use different types of teaching methods depending on my students' learning styles.
Tutor in Potchefstroom, Potchefstroom
Tutor in Potchefstroom, Potchefstroom
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I have been involved with Business related matters for many years at various institutions. I am a Trustee and Board member for one of the 5 largest Provident Fund companies in the country, and also chaired Human Resources/Benefits/communication
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4739 Hours Tutored
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I lecture A-Level Business Studies. I also majored in Economics while I was in university.
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4688 Hours Tutored
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I graduated high school with distinction in Business Studies, and I have a genuine passion for tutoring this subject. I bring a unique and effective teaching technique to my lessons, which has resulted in positive feedback from my students.
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2049 Hours Tutored
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With over two decades in education, I ignite enthusiasm for Business Studies, fostering students' passion. I simplify complex ideas and tailor teaching to individual learning styles.
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