These are the Highest Quality Mathematics Tutors in Pretoria. Get Mathematics Lessons in your home with Teach Me 2 – the Best in Tutoring
Get a Mathematics tutorTutor in Danville, Pretoria
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93 Hours Tutored
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I am currently doing my first year in Mathematical Statistics. I am passionate about math and Intend on helping students realize that math is FUN and understandable once you invest your time in it. Nothing is impossible to achieve and that includes good grades in Math.
Tutor in Hillcrest, Pretoria
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75 Hours Tutored
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I excelled throughout my high school career in mathematics. Mechanical engineering is the most mathematical intensive engineering degree. This is one of the reasons why I chose to study it.
Tutor in Brooklyn, Pretoria
Tutor in Brooklyn, Pretoria
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78 Hours Tutored
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Mathematics is a life skill and I believe it is never too late to excel in it. I have a natural proficiency in math. I excelled at math during my High School career. I had Admaths from Grade 10 to Grade 12.
Tutor in Groenkloof, Pretoria
Tutor in Groenkloof, Pretoria
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69 Hours Tutored
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I have a mathematically oriented mind. I have just finished my engineering degree and can also help with higher level mathematics if need be. I would love to help make learning mathematics enjoyable for the students.
Tutor in Hatfield, Pretoria
Tutor in Hatfield, Pretoria
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81 Hours Tutored
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My motivation lies in my passion for the subject and the satisfaction that comes from fostering intellectual growth of a young mind and the joy that comes with watching a student’s confidence increase.
Tutor in Queenswood, Pretoria
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104 Hours Tutored
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I have always enjoyed mathematics and achieved distinctions throughout school. I have tutored maths throughout school and while studying at university.
Tutor in Groenkloof 358-Jr, Pretoria
73 Hours Tutored
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I struggled with Mathematics until it was explained to me in a way that I understood. I feel that everyone is capable of achieving great results in Mathematics. I am passionate about finding the lightbulb moment for each student.
Tutor in Pretoriuspark, Pretoria
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62 Hours Tutored
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I was a University of Cape Town 1st Year Mathematics Tutor for a period of two years. I passed my University Maths course with a distinction in the first year.
Tutor in Arcadia, Pretoria
Tutor in Arcadia, Pretoria
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63 Hours Tutored
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Qualified tutor with more than 5 years teaching experience in Zimbabwe, 2 years in South Africa.
Tutor in Wonderboom South, Pretoria
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59 Hours Tutored
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I am currently a 3rd year actuarial student at the University of Pretoria. This course is mathematically challenging and I am capable of teaching mathematics, especially at a lower level than what I currently encounter.
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