Highest Quality Physical Science Tutors in Johannesburg South. Get Physical Science Lessons in your home with Teach Me 2
Get a Physical Science tutorTutor in Linmeyer, Johannesburg South
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53 Hours Tutored
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To be successful in physical science, learners need to establish a solid understanding. The problem is that majority fail at accomplishing this. I am skilled in establishing this core understanding and correct approach to scientific problems.
Tutor in Turf Club, Johannesburg South
Tutor in Turf Club, Johannesburg South
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139 Hours Tutored
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I understand that Physics is not one of the easiest subjects. As a result, I try to look at the subject from the perspective of my student so that I can learn how to help the student.
Tutor in Gleneagles, Johannesburg South
Tutor in Gleneagles, Johannesburg South
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I am interested in this subject. In first year and second year in my Electrical Engineering degree I did four courses in the field of Physical Science and I obtained two distinctions.
Tutor in Oakdene, Johannesburg South
Tutor in Oakdene, Johannesburg South
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30 Hours Tutored
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I have a very deep understanding of Physics and chemistry, specifically chemistry. I got a high distinction in matric.
Tutor in Ormonde, Johannesburg South
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I have been a tutor at University level for about 2 years.l tutored science subjects mainly Chemistry and Biology to first year university students. I have teaching experience as well. I am able to work with students from any social background.
Tutor in Townsview, Johannesburg South
Tutor in Townsview, Johannesburg South
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I achieved a 90% score in Matric Physical Science. My teaching philosophy emphasizes fostering a deep understanding of physics and chemistry concepts among students.
Tutor in Winchester Hills, Johannesburg South
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27 Hours Tutored
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When taking university physics, I have realized that many fundamental topics taught in school physics were taught in such a way that it forced children to take information in as it comes. My aim is to allow children to deeply understand the work in order to improve their mark
Tutor in Suideroord, Johannesburg South
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23 Hours Tutored
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I passed Engineering Physics at Wits and now have a broad understanding of the subject.
Tutor in Winchester Hills, Johannesburg South
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I have a deep interest in physical sciences and I understand the fundamental concepts. One of my teaching methods is making sure the concepts are understood so that we can find the link between problems and theory to further simplify the question.
Tutor in Glenanda, Johannesburg South
Tutor in Glenanda, Johannesburg South
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I am Chemical Engineer and I have experience in teaching science with enjoyment.
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