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Get a tutorTutor in Angelo, Boksburg
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279 Hours Tutored
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I am a friendly person who enjoys working with others. I am a hard-working individual with the aim of producing great results in others.
Tutor in Vosloorus, Boksburg
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110 Hours Tutored
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I think that when the right and left brain's hemisphere find a balance you'll have me. I love numbers but I also love art, this helps me see numbers as art and helps me stay away from being "boring".
Tutor in Jansen Park, Boksburg
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133 Hours Tutored
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I am positive, enthusiastic and a out -of- the- box thinker. I am deep rooted in my values and what I believe in and to love, motivate and inspire those around me.
Tutor in Comet, Boksburg
Tutor in Comet, Boksburg
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163 Hours Tutored
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I am a graduate from the University of Cape Town, with a BSc(Hons) in Mechanical Engineering, currently studying Masters in Engineering Management at University of Pretoria.
Tutor in Windmill Park, Boksburg
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669 Hours Tutored
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I am a Maths and Science genius who studied B.Sc Chemical Engineering and N6 Electrical Engineering. I am willing to share my knowledge with others.
Tutor in Parkrand, Boksburg
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139 Hours Tutored
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I am an Economist by Profession with so much passion for Economics. I am a self-motivated individual who believes that education is the weapon we can use to better our economy.
Tutor in Finaalspan 114-Ir, Boksburg
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426 Hours Tutored
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I am a goal - oriented person and I believe in leaving a mark on everything that I touch.
Tutor in Beyers Park, Boksburg
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180 Hours Tutored
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I currently work as a Process Engineer in a engineering and chemical manufacturing company. I matriculated in 2008 with a distinction in Maths and symbol B for Physical science.
Tutor in Witfield, Boksburg
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242 Hours Tutored
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I am a caring and patient person who loves sharing my knowledge with others. I am studying Occupational Therapy which shows my love for people and helping them reach their full potential.
Tutor in Freeway Park, Boksburg
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96 Hours Tutored
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I'm a kind and friendly tutor who makes learning fun. With a versatile approach, I ensure engaging sessions. Time and knowledge are my greatest values.
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