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Get a tutorTutor in Drummond, Outer West Durban
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10 Hours Tutored
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I am a Biology M.Sc. student, who is passionate about my subject, and imparting knowledge to others. I am a focused, logical, understanding and motivated person, who is humorous and light-hearted.
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Tutor in Eco-Park Estate, Centurion
169 Hours Tutored
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I hold an Honours Degree in Mathematics. I enjoy helping learners achieve their academic goals and guiding them through their academic struggles.
Tutor in Everton, Gillitts
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72 Hours Tutored
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I am a Paediatric Occupational Therapist and run a Private Practice from a school in Durban in the mornings. I am very organized, structured, fun-loving & caring and would love to help your child.
Tutor in Brooklyn, Pretoria
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26 Hours Tutored
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Hi, I'm Tatum! I am a 2nd-year university student studying Bcom Investment Management. I have a passion for helping others achieve their goals and encourage others to reach their full potential.
Tutor in Hillcrest, KwaZulu-Natal
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67 Hours Tutored
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I am a people's person and enjoy helping children achieve the best they can. I am an optimist and enjoy sport and outdoor activities. I am family orientated and strongly believe in loyalty.
Tutor in Pinetown, KwaZulu-Natal
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262 Hours Tutored
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I am well organised and get along with my students. I set high but achievable standards for my students.
Tutor in Kloof, Kloof
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66 Hours Tutored
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Aspiring writer with a simple mantra: "Don't see the world for what it is, see the world for what it could be". I will be a teacher as well,sharing my passion for life and knowledge with my students.
Tutor in Waterfall, Waterfall
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162 Hours Tutored
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I am patient and enthusiastic. My drivers in life are my belief standards and my love for people.
Tutor in Hillcrest, KwaZulu-Natal
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474 Hours Tutored
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I am a passionate teacher, and I always put my students first. I am a good listener, I listen to the needs of my students and see how best to help them.
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