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Gary O

Tutor in Summer Greens, Cape Town • 43 years old

Request Gary

Cannot tutor online

Can tutor in person


I am a 35-year-old male, a family man and Christian. I am a published author and love motivating people.

I have been coaching and training people in my job as a Supervisor. I know how to develop people through patience and motivation.


• Matric 1999
• B.Com Financial Management 2nd Year (current)

My Proudest

• My proudest achievements are firstly changing my life and becoming a born again Christian
• I am also proud to be married and that I am a father


  • Language Tutoring



I am fluent English speaker and can teach any person that wants to learn English.


Gary will travel up to 15km from Summer Greens, Cape Town, Western Cape to you.

Approximate location and area of coverage.

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