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Niresh H

Tutor in Woodview, Phoenix • 45 years old

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Can tutor online

Can tutor in person


I am a Financial Manager and an Entrepreneur with a passion for teaching. I feel that I have so much more to offer in terms of my knowledge and skills gained through 19 years of work experience.

I enjoy seeing people grow and learn. I have four kids, so teaching them is always fun. I coach and mentor my team at work.


• 1997 to 2001 - B Comm (accounting)
• B Comm Honours (accounting)
• Financial Manager - 2 years
• Accountant - 10 years
• Articles - 3 years

My Proudest

• I have four kids.
• I have an Honours degree in Accounting.
• Coaching my staff and seeing them achieve things they never thought possible.


  • School Tutoring


Grade 1 - Grade 12 Nsc

I am a Financial Manager at a corporate company. I have a B Comm Honours degree in Accounting from the University of Natal with SAICA articles. My passion is teaching.


Grade 1 - Grade 12 NSC

I have a B Comm Honours degree in Accounting. My passion is teaching.

  • University Tutoring


First Year University of Natal

I am a Financial Manager at a corporate company. I have a B Comm Honours degree in Accounting from the University of Natal with SAICA articles. My passion is teaching.


Niresh will travel up to 10km from Woodview, Phoenix, KwaZulu-Natal to you.

Approximate location and area of coverage.

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