Highest Quality Computer science Tutors in Montana, Pretoria. Get Computer science Lessons in your home with Teach Me 2
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Tutor in Montana, Pretoria
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I have been Programming from a very young age. When I was young, I almost got my mom into trouble by abusing her government provided smartphone to access Stanford lectures on Computer Science. Since then, I developed my knowledge.
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Tutor in Faerie Glen, Pretoria
Tutor in Faerie Glen, Pretoria
24 Hours Tutored
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I have experience as a Tutor for the University of Cape Town for first year Computer Science and this is my first major. Hence I feel i have the combination of experience in the field and enough knowledge to be able to assist others efficiently.
Tutor in Westville, KwaZulu-Natal
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101 Hours Tutored
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I have a well-rounded knowledge of computer science having thoroughly studied Excel and PowerPoint at a university level. I was also introduced to Databases (MS Access) and Programming as well as Computers in business.
Tutor in Silver Lakes, Pretoria
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50 Hours Tutored
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I have done the module COS 110 and am familiar with Various computer programming and software modules. I have done System development and IT at University level and am competent in my ability to assist others.
Tutor in Wingate Park, Pretoria
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343 Hours Tutored
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An avid programmer for many years, academic and otherwise, I have a broad experience of computing. Having done 1st and 2nd yr. CS modules, and currently a TA for one of them, I believe that I am well able to teach the basics of CS to any student.
Tutor in Silverton, Pretoria
Tutor in Silverton, Pretoria
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I hold a PhD degree in Information Systems and a Higher Education Diploma (HED). In addition, I also hold an Honours BSc Engineering Physics degree. Therefore, I am able to teach this subject very well to my students.
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632 Hours Tutored
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I have several years of experience of teaching Computer Science and Information Technology modules to students from various universities.
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647 Hours Tutored
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I tutored for 3 years at UCT up to 3rd Year ComSci. I have BSc ComSci with distinction in Computer Engineering. I have done a Research Assistant Job (C#) at UCT (created a Game Generating Tool). I am the lead developer at Getaway Computers creating websites and applications.
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2774 Hours Tutored
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I took Computer Science at first-year level and I loved it. I would like to help others succeed in this subject. I have since tutored it to many students with a very high success rate!
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550 Hours Tutored
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I completed COMP100, introduction to computer programming with a distinction in first year computer science. It is a module that I enjoy and have an interest in teaching because of the understanding I have gained with the content.
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