These are the Highest Quality English Tutors in Van Riebeeckstrand, Cape Town. Get English Lessons in your home with Teach Me 2 – the Best in Tutoring
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Tutor in Van Riebeeckstrand, Cape Town
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I received an 87% for English in High School and I have a TEFL certificate. I am passionate about grammar and pronunciation and would love to spread my love for the english language through tutoring others.
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Tutor in Table View, Cape Town
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194 Hours Tutored
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I am versatile and precise in terms of English Home Language and English First additional language. I have tutored High School, University, and students coming from different nationalities where English is not a native language.
Tutor in Parklands, Cape Town
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55 Hours Tutored
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Graduating high school with a distinction in English, I have a wealth of experience teaching diverse students, including international learners. I look forward to meeting you and helping you achieve your goals!
Tutor in Cape Farms, Cape Town
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90 Hours Tutored
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I passed English with distinction in Grade 12 and I am studying English Literature at the University of Cape Town. I have always had a passion for the subject and would enjoy sharing my knowledge of literature, comprehension skills and grammar with a student
Tutor in Table View, Cape Town
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354 Hours Tutored
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As a fellow literature and English enthusiast, I truly understand the value of language and its ability to empower individuals in various aspects of life. I have had the privilege of working with people of all ages and backgrounds, allowing me to develop a versatile and adaptable teaching style.
Tutor in Blouberg Rise, Cape Town
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88 Hours Tutored
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I placed top 1% nationally for IEB English Home Language in 2013. I also obtained all distinctions for my English courses at University. I am passionate about English and can assist students with anything from essay writing to exam preparation.
Tutor in Belthorn Estate, Cape Town
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162 Hours Tutored
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I am a learning support teacher. I work with individual as well as small groups of learners who struggle to bridge the gaps.
Tutor in Lyttelton Manor, Centurion
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83 Hours Tutored
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I always maintained a high distinction average for English Home Language throughout my schooling career. I have won multiple language and writing competitions and reading is a strong interest of mine.
Tutor in Blouberg Sands, Cape Town
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141 Hours Tutored
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I passed English with Distinction in Matric and I also took AP English as an extra subject.
Tutor in Blouberg Rise, Cape Town
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81 Hours Tutored
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I have a degree in English and am currently a teacher. I worked my way up to Head of the English department in 2018. I am passionate about all aspects of the subject and can facilitate where needed.
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Subjects offered in Van Riebeeckstrand