Highest Quality Life Sciences (Biology) Tutors in Free State. Get Life Sciences (Biology) Lessons in your home with Teach Me 2
Get a Life Sciences (Biology) tutorTutor in Brandwag, Bloemfontein
Tutor in Brandwag, Bloemfontein
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I did many biology related modules, for example botany (75%), zoology (82%), genetics (91%), biochemistry and microbiology (77%) and it is really fascinating how interlinked everything is, like how the body is able to adapt to different environments.
Tutor in Langenhoven Park, Bloemfontein
Tutor in Langenhoven Park, Bloemfontein
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I am still using Biology in my final year of my BSc degree. It is the basis of life and I will use it in my career as well.
Tutor in Universitas, Bloemfontein
Tutor in Universitas, Bloemfontein
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I have 14 years of teaching experience. I am passionate about Maths and have also been a marker for the November NSC exams.
Tutor in Bethlehem, Free State
Tutor in Bethlehem, Free State
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I am willing to help students and go the extra mile.
Tutor in Phuthaditjhaba, Phuthaditjhaba
Tutor in Phuthaditjhaba, Phuthaditjhaba
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Biology has always been my favourite subject. I recently completed a degree in Biological Sciences and am currently pursuing my MSc. I've also volunteered as a Biology tutor previously at my former high school.
Tutor in Universitas, Bloemfontein
Tutor in Universitas, Bloemfontein
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Biology has always been one of my favorite subjects. I enjoy taking the theory and converting it into a more visual understanding, thus making it more enjoyable to study
Tutor in Willows, Bloemfontein
Tutor in Willows, Bloemfontein
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I am well knowledgeable in this area and have tutored biology at high school level. Additionally, I hold a PhD degree in Biochemistry, which encompasses the discipline of Biology.
Tutor in Willows, Bloemfontein
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12 Hours Tutored
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I fell in love with Life Sciences the first time it was introduced in grade 10. For this subject I had always been an amazing learner, hardly getting anything less than 70% in all my assessments. I am more than confident I can successfully pass on my knowledge to any type of a student.
Tutor in Brandwag, Bloemfontein
Tutor in Brandwag, Bloemfontein
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I am currently studying biology at the university of the Free State.
Tutor in Park West, Bloemfontein
Tutor in Park West, Bloemfontein
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I've had a passion for Biology since I started learning it in grade 10. I have just completed my second year of varsity, wherein Physiology was one of my majors. I enjoy learning about the function and structure of the human body.
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