Highest Quality Physical Science Tutors in Grahamstown, Makhanda. Get Physical Science Lessons in your home with Teach Me 2
Get a Physical Science tutorTutor in Grahamstown, Makhanda
Tutor in Grahamstown, Makhanda
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221 Hours Tutored
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In Physical Science we learn how the world around us works. I love helping my students discover things they've never understood before by using real life examples, and then preparing for assessments with past papers and drills.
Tutor in Grahamstown, Makhanda
Tutor in Grahamstown, Makhanda
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I did physics for 3 years in highschool and I was at the top of my class. I'm ready to help students master the topics and achieve their best.
Tutor in Grahamstown, Makhanda
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205 Hours Tutored
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I am doctor of Philosophy who specialised in pure sciences and mathematics with an expert understanding of Mathematics, Physical Sciences, Chemistry and Life Sciences. I therefore have an ability to simply concepts in such a way that can turn an average student to an A student.
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Tutor in Port Elizabeth Central, Gqeberha
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436 Hours Tutored
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I loved physical science in high school and still work with it in my day-to-day research. Because of this, I have a deeper understanding than just school-level physical science and can convey it in an easy and fun way to understand it, for anyone.
Tutor in Grahamstown, Grahamstown
29 Hours Tutored
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I have done university level Physics and am currently doing second-year Chemistry. This has equipped me to tutor effectively
Tutor in Observatory, Cape Town
Tutor in Observatory, Cape Town
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I have tutored many students in this subject over the last 3 years
Tutor in Grahamstown, Grahamstown
Tutor in Grahamstown, Grahamstown
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I am very good when it comes to Information Technology, IsiZulu, Accounting and Physical Science. I believe in balancing all your subjects and it reflects in my matric certificate.
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4688 Hours Tutored
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High school ignited my passion for this subject, and I excelled with outstanding marks, fostering a deep appreciation for its intricacies and possibilities.
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4739 Hours Tutored
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I have managed to gather a vast amount of experience in tutoring both Physics & Chemistry across all high school syllabuses. FYI, I can "recite" with substance all key concepts on this subject with ease. I have been tutoring for the past 5 years
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4390 Hours Tutored
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I can help you with Newton's Laws, energy and power, physical and organic Chemistry among many other topics. Let me help you be an A student! I hold a Chemical Engineering qualification which is strongly related to Physical Science, and I am excited to facilitate learning in this area.
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Subjects offered in Grahamstown