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Get a tutorTutor in Amandasig, Akasia
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155 Hours Tutored
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I am a positive person and dedicated student. My belief is that knowledge is indeed power and that everyone should be entitled to it. Hard work and perseverance is key to developing any skill in life.
Tutor in The Orchards, Akasia
Tutor in The Orchards, Akasia
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I'm an approachable, passionate individual to work in Maths and Science subjects.
Tutor in Amandasig, Akasia
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240 Hours Tutored
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I am a creative individual devoted to empowering myself and others. I work smart, not hard; there is peace and joy in simplicity.
Tutor in Wonderpark Estate, Akasia
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516 Hours Tutored
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I am a Mathematics (high school), Economics and Finance specialist. I have over 8 years of experience in the teaching and learning space. I love numbers and I can teach you to do the same!
Tutor in Eldorette, Akasia
14 Hours Tutored
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I am a Geography teacher at a high school. I enjoy reading and working with children especially teenagers.
Tutor in The Orchards, Akasia
Tutor in The Orchards, Akasia
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I am a self-driven person and I love science. Hence, I daily think about new inventions. Furthermore, I am also involved in community service with the hope of making a difference.
Tutor in Chantelle, Akasia
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380 Hours Tutored
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My name is Lesedi Ngoveni. I love Mathematics Literacy, Tourism, and Afrikaans, and I love helping other people with them.
Tutor in Witfontein 301-Jr, Akasia
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21 Hours Tutored
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I am a loving and kind person who is passionate about personal development. I believe we all have a God given ability to thrive.
Tutor in Wonderpark Estate, Akasia
Tutor in Wonderpark Estate, Akasia
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I enjoy solving Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics problems. I also enjoy teaching others and helping students achieve their academic goals.
Tutor in Rosslyn, Akasia
Tutor in Rosslyn, Akasia
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My name is Nathaniel and I am trainee accountant. I am an aspiring CA(SA)
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Subjects offered in Akasia