Tutors in East London

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Itumeleng S

Tutor in Stoney Drift, East London

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Engineering candidate, characterized by my teachable nature, strong work ethic, and creative mindset. Although hailing from Pretoria, I find joy in exploring diverse work environments through travel.

Geography Mathematics Physical Science
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Mikhulu K

Tutor in Reeston, East London

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I am a friendly and calm person, I love helping other people where I can. I am goal orientated, I like to set myself short-term achievable goals towards my main goal while I am kept motivated.

Xhosa Mathematics Physical Science
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Vanessa H

Tutor in Gonubie, East London

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With 30 years of teaching experience, specialising in English from Grades 8 to 12, including matric marking. As a retired educator, my dedication to facilitating learning remains unwavering.

English Mathematics
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Buhlebenkosi P

Tutor in Amalinda, East London

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I'm a very patient, flexible and diligent person, helping people and giving back to the community is my passion.

Xhosa Mathematics Biochemistry Life Sciences (Biology)
Curly haired mother searching on her laptop and struggling to find tutors online

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