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Get a tutorTutor in Greenstone Hill, Lethabong
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79 Hours Tutored
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I am an enthusiastic and driven person who loves to help others through tutoring. I spend my free time baking, reading, learning new languages.
Tutor in Modderfontein, Lethabong
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11 Hours Tutored
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I am hardworking, disciplined and compassionate. I love helping people and being able to help to be part of their growth.
Tutor in Modderfontein, Lethabong
Tutor in Modderfontein, Lethabong
217 Hours Tutored
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I am teacher Rain. I am a caring and patient teacher. I am a high-achieving individual who loves helping my students. I graduated with honors. In my free time, I am on the sports field.
Tutor in Bushwillow Park, Lethabong
Tutor in Bushwillow Park, Lethabong
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18 Hours Tutored
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I am a self-motivated, passionate and accountable person. I enjoy challenges and am constantly trying to better myself.
Tutor in Modderfontein, Lethabong
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115 Hours Tutored
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I am an experienced Engineer, Educator and Academic Coach, who makes learning fun. I believe that with my knowledge and motivation I can mould the leaders of tomorrow.
Tutor in Modderfontein, Lethabong
Tutor in Modderfontein, Lethabong
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I am a hard-working individual and I am passionate about the work that I do. I am passionate about training and helping to improve others.
Tutor in Longlake Ext 6, Lethabong
Tutor in Longlake Ext 6, Lethabong
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Hungry for living life to the fullest and being the difference that I would like to see in the World. We are all here together, so let's help each other achieve what we are destined for.
Tutor in Greenstone Hill, Lethabong
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50 Hours Tutored
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I am passionate about life and want to help others feel the same passion and positivity. I am determined to help people in any way that I possibly can and I always try to make someone's day.
Tutor in Greenstone Hill, Lethabong
Tutor in Greenstone Hill, Lethabong
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I hold a degree in Chemistry & Biochemistry. Additionally, I am a creative, adventurous individual with a love for the arts.
Tutor in Westlake View, Lethabong
Tutor in Westlake View, Lethabong
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22 Hours Tutored
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I am a driven, motivated and energetic individual with exceptional interpersonal, communication and motivational skills. I am a conscientious person who works hard and pays attention to detail.
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Subjects offered in Lethabong
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