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Tutor in Sunnyside, Pretoria
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I am a very persistent, compassionate, creative and enthusiastic person. I am fulfilled by helping people.
Tutor in Sunnyside, Pretoria
Tutor in Sunnyside, Pretoria
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I am a vibrant, energetic and ambitious person. I am always eager to go the extra mile to make sure that I help others and that I succeed as well.
Tutor in Sunnyside, Pretoria
Tutor in Sunnyside, Pretoria
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13 Hours Tutored
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I am passionate and would love to see my country becoming among the best in the world. I am a hard worker who has the determination to work toward success, for myself and others.
Tutor in Sunnyside, Pretoria
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26 Hours Tutored
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I really enjoy participating in sports such as hockey and netball and doing general exercise. When I am not doing sports I love to read a good book or chill with my friends, boyfriend or family.
Tutor in Sunnyside, Pretoria
Tutor in Sunnyside, Pretoria
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I am dynamic, young and fresh, intending to contribute strong economical knowledge to others.
Tutor in Sunnyside, Pretoria
Tutor in Sunnyside, Pretoria
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I am Nomicia Ndouvhada, a Veterinary Technologist by profession. I am committed, passionate and a hard worker who aspires to be an academic doctor one day.
Tutor in Sunnyside, Pretoria
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25 Hours Tutored
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I am currently a 3rd-year mechanical engineering student at UP who lives near campus with two dogs. I am also a musician who plays with the UP orchestra as well as at weddings and events part-time.
Tutor in Sunnyside, Pretoria
Tutor in Sunnyside, Pretoria
11 Hours Tutored
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I realized I was a good tutor when it came to my study mates who were struggling with certain modules until I showed them how it was done. I am someone who enjoys helping others understand concepts.
Tutor in Sunnyside, Pretoria
Tutor in Sunnyside, Pretoria
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I am very passionate about sports and working with application based projects. I enjoy sharing my knowledge with others.
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