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Alistair A

Tutor in Edgemead, Cape Town • 46 years old

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I am a creative, passionate and fun-loving husband and father of two girls. I really enjoy teaching people how to use their gifts and abilities to make the world a better place.

I have had many years of experience in leading Youth and Student Groups at various Churches in Cape Town. I have been the Lead Pastor of Emmanuel Church, Port Elizabeth for the past two years. My Christian faith has helped shape and develop a servant hearted and trustworthy character in me.


• 1997-2000 Diploma in Business Management and Marketing from Varsity College
• 2002-2004 Bachelor of Theology Degree from North-West University (through George Whitefield College in Muizenberg)

My Proudest

• Playing Lead Guitar for the SA Artist known as Jakkie Louw. Achieving a Brown Belt (2 stripes) in K1 KIckboxing.


  • School Tutoring


Grade 1 - Grade 12 IEB

I have had many years of experience in public speaking and I take pride in maintaining a standard of excellence when it comes to helping others learn the English Language in written form or in conversation.

  • Music Tutoring

Bass Guitar

Beginner (Grades 1 - 3) - Advanced (Grades 7 - 8) Other

I started playing Bass Guitar in 1999. I have had many years of experience in both Secular and Church Music Groups. My influences are jazz, rock and a bit of heavy metal.

Guitar (Contemporary)

Beginner (Grades 1 - 3) - Advanced (Grades 7 - 8) Other

I started playing Acoustic and Electric Guitar in 1994. I have had many years of experience in both Secular and Church Music Groups. My influences are jazz, rock and heavy metal. I was the lead guitarist for the SA Aritst known as Jakkie Louw


Alistair will travel up to 15km from Edgemead, Cape Town, Western Cape to you.

Approximate location and area of coverage.

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