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Cheree H

Tutor in Springs, Gauteng • 24 years old

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chip background 53

Cannot tutor online

Can tutor in person


Motivated and determined to assist people in learning and identifying their weaker areas in order to work on them.

I am resilient and I care greatly about the improvement and development of people trying to successfully receive an education.


• Matriculated 2018.
• 3rd Year Bachelors of Social Science student 2021.

My Proudest

• Matriculating with the grades I received was a very proud moment for me.
• I am now in my 3rd year of Psychology studies.


  • School Tutoring


Grade 1 - Grade 5 NSC

I've taught a grade 5 classs full-time for a short time and I have experience in tutoring.

Social Science

Grade 1 - Grade 7 NSC

I've taught a grade 5 class full-time for a short time and I have experience tutoring.

Mathematics Literacy

Grade 1 - Grade 10 NSC

I took Maths Literacy in high school and excelled.


Grade 1 - Grade 9 NSC

I've taught a grade 5 class full-time for a short time and I have experience tutoring. I have tutored high-school English and assisted with university level English.


Grade 1 - Grade 5 NSC

I've taught a grade 5 class full-time for a short time and I have experience tutoring.


Grade 1 - Grade 8 NSC

I've taught a grade 5 class full-time for a short time and I have experience tutoring.

Natural Science

Grade 1 - Grade 7 NSC

I've taught a grade 5 class full-time for a short time and I have experience in tutoring.


Grade 1 - Grade 8 NSC

I have experience tutoring. I have also excelled in history throughout school.

Life Orientation

Grade 1 - Grade 7 NSC

Primary school teaching experience and tutoring experience.

  • University Tutoring


First Year Social Sciences, Majoring in Counselling and psychology

The modules I can tutor: *Fundamentals of a helping relationship *Self Esteem and motivation *Developmental Psychology *Academic Literacy *Social Psychology *Counselling Skills and Process Development *Community Psychology


First Year Social Sciences, Majoring in Counselling and psychology

I recently completed my statistics for Social Sciences module, I achieved a 96,40% overall. I know how to do the manual calculations and work with excel.


Cheree will travel up to 15km from Springs, Gauteng to you.

Approximate location and area of coverage.

Tutor Map

Reviews from others

“She is very good and she is good at what she does and she must keep it up. We are blessed to work with her because she is a blessing. ”
- Surrender
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