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Corne K

Tutor in Kraaifontein, Cape Town • 61 years old

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Can tutor online

Can tutor in person


I am a passionate teacher, loyal dedicated, and always prepared. I am kind with empathy and understanding. Goal orientated.

I am passionate, dedicated, and thorough. ambitious but empathetic. Always prepared for any situation.


• I have an ECD diploma in teaching. I have worked with special needs learners for the past 6 years. Experience in mainstream learners as well.

My Proudest

• I received the best teacher awards past 2 years and my art students received top achievements in their work.


  • School Tutoring


Grade 1 - Grade 12 NSC, IEB

I am an experienced educator with special needs experience. I'm passionate about Afrikaans and enjoy seeing my learners develop this passion too. I always find easier ways to explain difficult concepts and pay close attention to their learning style.

Life Orientation

Grade 1 - Grade 12 NSC

I am an experienced LO teacher with special needs experience. I am confident in my ability to break down concepts into manageable content and assist other learners to excel!


Grade 1 - Grade 9 NSC

I have 5 years of experience as a drama and visual arts teacher. I have an interactive learning style and would love to foster the same enjoyment I have for the subject in the lives of my students


Corne will travel up to 20km from Kraaifontein, Cape Town, Western Cape to you.

Approximate location and area of coverage.

Tutor Map

Reviews from others

“She is so knowledgeable and experienced. We are blessed to have her tutoring Daniel!”
- Hayley
“Thank you Corne for everything that you have done for Michiel and will still do in future. ”
- Liesl
“She is very caring and takes an interest in the learner. ”
- Charlene
“Shes the best honestly but I totally agree with her when it comes to basic learning in Afrikaans for Sima, there's still a lot he must learn but I believe as time goes by with the help his receiving he will improve drastically ”
- Felicia
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