These are the Highest Quality Xhosa Tutors in Eastern Cape. Get Xhosa Lessons in your home with Teach Me 2 – the Best in Tutoring
Get a Xhosa tutorTutor in Berea, East London
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10 Hours Tutored
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isiXhosa is my home language and I am therefore fluent in it! I was also in the debate team for my home language during my matric year. I know it very well and I did well in all 3 papers, 1 2, and 3.
Tutor in Quigney, East London
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117 Hours Tutored
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I believe the learning environment is essential; thus, I aim to create one where students feel supported and confident when learning this language. I like to tailor my teaching style to the student's needs and provide them with the skills they need to master IsiXhosa!
Tutor in Dimbaza, King William's Town
Tutor in Dimbaza, King William's Town
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It is my home language so speaking Xhosa.
Tutor in Summerstrand, Gqeberha
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- best Xhosa reader in my District - Madibaz Radio Xhosa Newsreader - presenter for a Xhosa show - tutor for first year students Xhosa Linguistics at Nelson Mandela University
Tutor in Kwa Nobuhle 8, Kwa Nobuhle
Tutor in Kwa Nobuhle 8, Kwa Nobuhle
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I am studying a B.Ed and obtained a distinction for Xhosa in school :)
Tutor in Colleen Glen AH, Gqeberha
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59 Hours Tutored
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Tutoring lessons aimed at facilitating an interactive process of learning isiXhosa sounds with the purpose to develop a basic vocabulary and small talk skills. Tutoring methods include facilitation, inquiry, monitoring and feedback to assess learner competence.
Tutor in Mdantsane-S, Mdantsane
Tutor in Mdantsane-S, Mdantsane
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have the ability to thoroughly explain isiXhosa concepts to the best of my ability. My purpose in life is to be empowered so as to empower the next person. I Patience is a key factor when teaching the next person, and that is one of the virtues I live by. A very kind and engaging teaching style!
Tutor in Reeston, East London
Tutor in Reeston, East London
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IsiXhosa is my home language and I did Xhosa HL in grade 12, I am well experienced with speaking, reading and writing it in general, as well as the academic aspects of the language, and I have a great experience with analysing poems and books in preparation for tests and exams.
Tutor in Amalinda, East London
Tutor in Amalinda, East London
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Not only will I be able to immensely help with the syllabus but with speaking it as well. Because I believe, to understand IsiXhosa, you have to apply what you learn through speaking it.
Tutor in Grahamstown, Makhanda
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57 Hours Tutored
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I started doing isiXhosa in Grade 7. I transitioned from Setswana. For a beginner, I did very well. In Grade 12 I passed with 85%. I volunteered in an orphanage in Grahamstown and most of the kids I taught obtained over 70%.
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