These are the Highest Quality Zulu Tutors in Sandton. Get Zulu Lessons in your home with Teach Me 2 – the Best in Tutoring
Get a Zulu tutorTutor in Bryanston, Sandton
Tutor in Bryanston, Sandton
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I have been studying this language since the tender age of 8 years old, therefore I believe I am very well versed in it. Not only am I fluent in conversational Zulu, I am quite good at unpacking and interpreting Zulu poetry.
Tutor in Sunninghill, Sandton
Tutor in Sunninghill, Sandton
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I can speak fluent Zulu, I would be able to help students practice conversation and some grammar.
Tutor in Morningside, Sandton
Tutor in Morningside, Sandton
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I have always had a deep appreciation for Zulu. I graduated high school with distinction for the subject and am able to help others with all aspects of the language.
Tutor in Fourways, Sandton
Tutor in Fourways, Sandton
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I hold a Masters Degree in African languages with isiZulu as my major. I am an expect within the field of research, training and development as well heritage and culture within the Zulu setting and hope my experience will be an assert.
Tutor in Beverley AH, Sandton
Tutor in Beverley AH, Sandton
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As a non-Zulu speaking individual, I worked hard to take my mark from 60% to 82% at the end of high school. I believe I have the ability to inspire young students that are struggling with the subject and to assist them in getting a high mark.
Tutor in Buccleuch, Sandton
Tutor in Buccleuch, Sandton
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I am a IsiZulu Teacher at a Private school in Centurion. I am currently Teaching IsiZulu from Grade 1 to Grade 5.
Tutor in Hurlingham, Sandton
Tutor in Hurlingham, Sandton
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I am a Zulu speaking individual who grew up in KZN, so naturally isiZulu is one of my home languages. I am fluent in speech and writing, and I engage the language in my day to day life so it’s a naturally easy subject for me to teach. Ngiyazibongela.
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