These are the Highest Quality Afrikaans Tutors in Chantelle, Akasia. Get Afrikaans Lessons in your home with Teach Me 2 – the Best in Tutoring
Get an Afrikaans tutorTutor in Chantelle, Akasia
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380 Hours Tutored
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I enjoyed and excelled in Afrikaans at a high school level, and I believe I can confidently help others with it.
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Tutor in Rietfontein, Pretoria
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51 Hours Tutored
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I am able to articulate myself well in the language, and in written form. This articulation has helped me to formulate essays and answer comprehensions and literature questions appropriately.
Tutor in Annlin, Pretoria
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242 Hours Tutored
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I enjoyed Afrikaans at school and still enjoy reading afrikaans books in my free time. I will be able to assist with study methods to ease learning, while my skills as a qualified Occupational Therapist will assist me in tailoring sessions to each specific individual an their difficulties.
Tutor in Amandasig, Akasia
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155 Hours Tutored
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I am an Afrikaans home language speaker with a passion for languages.
Tutor in Wonderboom South, Pretoria
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55 Hours Tutored
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I passed Grade 12 Afrikaans and can read write and speak Afrikaans. Afrikaans is my mother tongue and home language.
Tutor in Sunnyside, Pretoria
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154 Hours Tutored
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Afrikaans is my home language and I loved studying the different components of it.
Tutor in Annlin, Pretoria
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74 Hours Tutored
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I teach languages at Hoërskool Gerrit Maritz. I have been teaching for 6 years now and absolutely love teaching and helping learners to understand their subject and work better, to achieve amazing results.
Tutor in Pretoria Central, Pretoria
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95 Hours Tutored
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I am huge lover of language from literature, poems down to even grammar .Having Afrikaans as one of my subjects at school shifted my focus on learning and understanding the language and it would be an absolute honor to share that with someone else.
Tutor in Villieria, Pretoria
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67 Hours Tutored
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I am an excellent Afrikaans teacher because I understand your needs and anxieties and how difficult it is to learn a language. I use creative methods to help you.
Tutor in Prinshof 349-Jr, Pretoria
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265 Hours Tutored
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I am acquainted with the rules and skills in Afrikaans writing and answering of questions. I am of great assistance as I may understand the struggles of the subject and I am willing to help the learner overcome any difficulty that he or she may face. I hope to make it a fun opportunity.
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