Highest Quality Economic Management Science (EMS) Tutors in Eastern Cape. Get Economic Management Science (EMS) Lessons in your home with Teach Me 2
Get an Economic Management Science (EMS) tutorTutor in Grahamstown, Makhanda
Tutor in Grahamstown, Makhanda
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I am a Bcom graduate with great love for EMS. I am able to explain concepts and help learners remember them easily. I also completed my PGCE and am a qualified EMS teacher. I am well-equipped to help my students understand both theory and financial literacy using simple explanations.
Tutor in Vanes Estate, Kariega
Tutor in Vanes Estate, Kariega
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50 Hours Tutored
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I have a lot of patience regarding accounting seeing as its one of the subjects where repetition is key!
Tutor in Thornhill, Eastern Cape
Tutor in Thornhill, Eastern Cape
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EMS forms the foundation for subjects (business studies and accounting) in high school; thus, it is important to develop a strong foundation. I am familiar with the skills and strategies that students can use to be top achievers and meet their academic goals!
Tutor in Summerstrand, Port Elizabeth
Tutor in Summerstrand, Port Elizabeth
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I majored in both Economics and Management at Rhodes University, achieving a distinction in Economics. I have worked within various businesses thus I can utilize my theoretical and practical knowledge to help you succeed.
Tutor in Millard Grange, Port Elizabeth
Tutor in Millard Grange, Port Elizabeth
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I am a professional in education, currently studying towards my Chartered Financial Analyst Qualification as well as having achieved in excess of 90% for EMS at school.
Tutor in Ibhayi, Eastern Cape
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48 Hours Tutored
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I have a University qualification in Accounting (B.Com Accounting) and a Post Graduate Certificate in Education specializing in EMS. I have taught Grade 8s and Grade 9s as part of my teaching practicals.
Tutor in Cambridge West, East London
Tutor in Cambridge West, East London
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I am a BCompt: Accounting student. In my tutorials, I offer real life examples; examples the student can relate to. I make learning interesting by ensuring that I adapt to the student's fun and enjoyable studying approach.
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2336 Hours Tutored
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I’ve always been the best learner of economics and management science in primary and that is what inspired me to become an economics tutor. I’ve been an economics tutor for the past 4 years and in these past 4 years, I have helped a lot of learners by improving both their marks and confidence.
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4688 Hours Tutored
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With abundant experience in Business and Economics, I possess a deep understanding of Economics and Management Science. I am eager to share my expertise and empower others with valuable knowledge in these subjects.
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4390 Hours Tutored
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I have many hours of tutoring experience and would love to assist other learners to gain more insight into the subject matter and build on their confidence in approaching the subject! I know how to draft balance sheets, cash flow statements, and expenditures (just to mention a few).
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