Mathematics Literacy Tutors in Western Cape

Highest Quality Mathematics Literacy Tutors in Western Cape. Get Mathematics Literacy Lessons in your home with Teach Me 2

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Gabriel R

Tutor in Wellington, Wellington

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I achieved 81% for Mathematical Literacy in Grade 12. This was my highest subject mark. I am passionate about learners being able to solve problems in life. Mathematical Literacy teaches learners a way of thinking which assists them in real-life situations.

English History Life Orientation Mathematics Literacy Conversational English
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Kudzai M

Tutor in Parow East, Cape Town

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I am a highly skilled Mathematics Literacy tutor with a proven track record of guiding numerous students to achieve outstanding results.

Physics Mathematics Natural Science Mathematics Literacy
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Charne H

Tutor in Green Point, Cape Town

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I received a distinction for this subject in Matric, and thoroughly enjoyed it. I would love the opportunity to share my skills and knowledge with students and help them succeed in this subject as well.

English Mathematics Literacy Computer Studies (ICT)
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Sonick M

Tutor in Stellenbosch Central, Stellenbosch

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As a PhD student in mathematics, I bring advanced knowledge and a problem-solving mindset to every lesson. By personalizing my approach, I aim to ignite a passion for math and empower students to reach their full potential.

Linear Algebra Physical Science Engineering Maths Mathematics Literacy Advanced Mathematics Additional Mathematics
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