These are the Highest Quality Music Theory Tutors in La Colline, Stellenbosch. Get Music Theory Lessons in your home with Teach Me 2 – the Best in Tutoring
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Tutor in La Colline, Stellenbosch
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I reached grade 5 theory in Matric and received a Distinction for Subject Music. I feel confident in my abilities to help learners with this subject.
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Tutor in Stellenbosch, Western Cape
Tutor in Stellenbosch, Western Cape
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15 Hours Tutored
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I studied music theory from the age of 10 through to matric. Having achieved a distinction in my Grade 1, 2, and 3 UNISA theory exams, as well as the fact that I'm currently studying music theory at Stellenbosch University (achieved 84%), I feel I am well equipped to assist learners in this field.
Tutor in Stellenbosch Central, Stellenbosch
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194 Hours Tutored
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I did not do music in school, however, I have been playing the piano for 13 years, and 5 other sub-instruments. I studied via UNISA throughout school and am perfectly capable of tutoring/teaching at a school level (from beginners to intermediate).
Tutor in Stellenbosch Central, Stellenbosch
Tutor in Stellenbosch Central, Stellenbosch
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This year I received a scholarship from SU to study BAmusic. I passed trinity gr. 8 recorder with distinction (94%) and trinity gr. 8 oboe with merit (83%). I have toured with the CPYO and have acheived distinction for gr. 5 unisa theory exam.
Tutor in Stellenbosch Central, Stellenbosch
Tutor in Stellenbosch Central, Stellenbosch
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I went for flute lessons from 2004 - 2012. I played in my school's flute ensemble and have since played in our local church band.
Tutor in Stellenbosch Central, Stellenbosch
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227 Hours Tutored
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I am hardworking, calm, and patient. I work well under pressure. I have sound teaching skills and would love to assist other learners in approaching Music Theory with the same mindset and improving their skills!
Tutor in Die Rand, Stellenbosch
Tutor in Die Rand, Stellenbosch
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I am passionate about music. I have been teaching music for more than 7 years to individuals ranging from primary school to University level.
Tutor in Stellenbosch, Western Cape
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16 Hours Tutored
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I have been playing Piano and Singing since 2012
Tutor in Grahamstown, Makhanda
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35 Hours Tutored
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I am a highly recommended music teacher with excellent references. I studied BMus at the University of Stellenbosch, and I am employed as a voice teacher at Somerset College. I have a solid understanding of advanced music theory and enjoy teaching it
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814 Hours Tutored
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I am a graduated music teacher with 23 years of experience in teaching piano, violin and theory up to grade 8. Music is my passion and I was born to teach music. I believe no one is too young or too old to learn and instrument or further their knowledge of music theory
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526 Hours Tutored
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I completed my grade 6 theory exam (with distinction) as part of music as a matric subject.
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487 Hours Tutored
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I have completed various postgraduate degrees in music performance and also completed two years of music theory classes at university level. This is in addition to my ABRSM exams, which I completed to a Gr.7 level.
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