These are the Highest Quality Online Life Sciences (Biology) Tutors. Get Life Sciences (Biology) Lessons Online with Teach Me 2 – the Best in Tutoring
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203 Hours Tutored
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I have tutored Molecular Biology to first years in my previous Campus Residence and I assisted my brother last year when he completed Matric, helping him get a distinction with the subject where he had been struggling. As someone who struggled, I really mastered the technique for this subject.
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247 Hours Tutored
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I enjoyed Life Sciences in high school and earned distinction in matric. It's my passion to help others achieve their goals, and I would love to keep working with students and help them reach their full potential.
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216 Hours Tutored
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I have good communication skills and good time management skills. I am patient, versatile, and keen to listen, interact with the students, and also impact positivity. I am confident that I can help students with relevant skills in the learning process and improve their grades
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254 Hours Tutored
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I am currently a 5th year medical student in (2020) with a BSc degree in Biochemistry and Human Physiology. I have a great understanding of Biology and am able to simplify learning.
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211 Hours Tutored
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I have been very good with Biology, I even continued with it at University. I passed very well and I know that helping or explaining the work to someone else will help improve their marks.
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241 Hours Tutored
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I enjoyed Biology in high school and I believe I can tutor it in a way that is fun and innovative.
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223 Hours Tutored
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I can effectively use appropriate teaching and assessment approaches to help students understand life sciences thoroughly and improve their grades. I would love to help students master this subject.
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243 Hours Tutored
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Biology is my passion. I studied Molecular and Cell Biology at a university level.
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186 Hours Tutored
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In life science, my expertise lies in personalized one-on-one sessions. The key approach involves thorough comprehension of concepts followed by extensive application and practice, fostering intuitive understanding and ingrained knowledge.
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180 Hours Tutored
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I hold a BSc Life Sciences degree. I enjoy this subject as I am very passionate about it and want to share that same passion with my students.
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