These are the Highest Quality Physical Science Tutors in Cape Town. Get Physical Science Lessons in your home with Teach Me 2 – the Best in Tutoring
Get a Physical Science tutorTutor in Gardens, Cape Town
Tutor in Gardens, Cape Town
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In my final year of school, I was placed first in Physics at my high school, Le Bocage International High School, Mauritius. I graduated with 1st class Honours in Mechanical Engineering from UCT in 2015. I am about to begin my Masters in 2018.
Tutor in Observatory, Cape Town
Tutor in Observatory, Cape Town
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12 Hours Tutored
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Being a Medical student, I had to take university courses in chemistry and physics, and I use both on a daily basis. This also gives me the knowledge of how to practically apply physical science to real-world problems and make the learning fun.
Tutor in Constantia Heights, Cape Town
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I am a 4th year Civil Engineering student at UCT.
Tutor in Pinelands, Cape Town
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Physics has always been my favourite subjects. Formulas, calculations and logic are all things I love dealing with, and it is this love that I hope to pass on to my students. I received an award for the highest average in the sciences in grade 12, and the highest average in physics in grade 10 & 11.
Tutor in Greenway Rise, Cape Town
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Science is something that I am highly qualified to tutor in due to the fact that in my course Applied Mathematics forms a large part of my first 2 years which in essence is Physics and I've also completed a module in Inorganic and Organic Chemistry.
Tutor in Rosebank, Cape Town
10 Hours Tutored
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I am currently doing my Masters in Astrophysics - a Mathematics based science. I have been a Physics Lab Assistant at university and have been involved with a non-profit organization as a Physical Science tutor for learners in need.
Tutor in Mowbray, Cape Town
Tutor in Mowbray, Cape Town
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I have prior experience in tutoring physical sciences, having been selected as the designated class tutor whenever the teacher was unavailable. This hands-on experience has equipped me with the skills needed to explain complex concepts in a clear and easily understandable manner.
Tutor in Fish Hoek, Cape Town
Tutor in Fish Hoek, Cape Town
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I always find easier ways to explain difficult concepts and pay close attention to different learning styles. I am a mechatronics graduate from CPUT and have extensive experience tutoring physics in the Cambridge syllabus.
Tutor in Gardens, Cape Town
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I am highly proficient and I have had 5 years of experience tutoring high school students in this subject. I achieved 89% in matric.
Tutor in Burgundy Estate, Cape Town
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Experienced Physical Sciences teacher with a solid background in Physics and Chemistry for Grade 8-9 students. Focused on hands-on learning and real-world applications, I engage students through interactive lessons that spark curiosity and foster a deeper understanding of scientific concepts.
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