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Tutor in Durban North, KwaZulu-Natal
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I’m the type of person who looks at a problem, breaks it down and forms a solution! I aim for perfection in all that I do and never give up trying.
Tutor in Athlone, Durban North
Tutor in Athlone, Durban North
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I strive to always stay positive and help people when I can. I am patient, kind and driven and am highly motivated to succeed regarding the challenges I face.
Tutor in Athlone, Durban North
Tutor in Athlone, Durban North
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I am a hardworking and enthusiastic postgraduate psychology student who has a passion for this profession. My main goal is to make your psychology modules as accessible and enjoyable for you.
Tutor in Glen Ashley, Durban North
Tutor in Glen Ashley, Durban North
Can tutor online
Can tutor in person
I am a qualified Foundation Phase educator who has travelled the world. I am keen to impart knowledge, skills and experience necessary to facilitate learning and understanding.
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Absolutely! We have a 97% success rate with our customers. If you're unlucky enough to be in the 3% that it didn't work for, we don't want you to have to pay for it.
Subjects offered in Durban North
Areas in Durban North