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Get a tutorTutor in Carlswald, Midrand
Tutor in Carlswald, Midrand
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I am an extremely motivated individual who strives in hardship. I aim to help others develop this same attitude to overcome obstacles because mindset is everything.
Tutor in Ivory Park, Midrand
Tutor in Ivory Park, Midrand
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I'm a 25-year-old, working as a support specialist for Eskom software. I love learning, and so that's why I'm doing a degree in computer sciences.
Tutor in Midrand, Gauteng
Tutor in Midrand, Gauteng
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I am a loving person who is passionate about mathematics, and personally knows the worth of having a tutor during school. I am also a professional author.
Tutor in Halfway Gardens, Midrand
Tutor in Halfway Gardens, Midrand
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I am a very open, passionate and well organised person. I have great communication skills and professionalism.
Tutor in Glen Austin AH, Midrand
Tutor in Glen Austin AH, Midrand
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I'm an introspective and goal-driven person and I'm positive that I'll be able to transmit these qualities to whomever I interact with.
Tutor in Halfway House, Midrand
Tutor in Halfway House, Midrand
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An Actuarial Science graduate who works at a consultancy and is passionate about up-skilling the youth especially in Mathematics.
Tutor in Noordwyk, Midrand
Tutor in Noordwyk, Midrand
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Student studying a Bachelor of Science in Physics & Applied Mathematics - career goal: Theoretical Physicist. Astronomy-Sciences-Technology enthusiast.
Tutor in Carlswald, Midrand
Tutor in Carlswald, Midrand
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I am a person who by all means sticks to his principles. I always respect everyone I engage with as I feel we can always learn from one another despite how smart or educated you might be.
Tutor in Austin View, Midrand
Tutor in Austin View, Midrand
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I am a focused individual who takes his work seriously. I make sure that whoever I am assisting understands the work well.
Tutor in Midrand, Gauteng
Tutor in Midrand, Gauteng
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I am an Accountant in training with a flair for numbers and people. I have been told that I am a natural born teacher and believe that I can pass my knowledge of numbers on to many young minds.
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Subjects offered in Midrand