Tutors in Parkhurst, Randburg

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Jessica P

Tutor in Parkhurst, Randburg

chip background star 5.0
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16 Hours Tutored

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I love learning about the world! Some of my favourite things include exploring the outdoors, reading, watching films, and rock climbing.

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Linda N

Tutor in Parkhurst, Randburg

chip background star 5.0

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I am driven, dedicated, passionate and willing to achieve the very best in all I do. I am dependable, trustworthy and thrive to improve the performance and service I provide to others in my life.

Mathematics Physical Science
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Lindsay S

Tutor in Parkhurst, Randburg

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I am a loyal, hard working and result driven individual. I love to help others achieve of their best and pride myself in being on time and dedicated to any task at hand.

Homework Geography Mathematics
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Abongile N

Tutor in Parkhurst, Randburg

chip background star 5.0
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20 Hours Tutored

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I'm an endearing, friendly and compassionate person with a positive attitude and a good sense of humour. I have a strong sense of duty and perseverance in achieving goals and improving my competences.

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Petrus M

Tutor in Parkhurst, Randburg

chip background star 5.0

50 Hours Tutored

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I am currently a 4th year medical student at Wits, I play, and coach cricket. I'm from Jeffreys Bay and studied at the UFS for 4 years before coming to Johannesburg to further my studies.

Anatomy Physiology Human Biology Life Sciences (Biology)
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Marc V

Tutor in Parkhurst, Randburg

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I am very determined and have a gentle and patient nature. I strive to reach the goals I have set for myself and am not discouraged by obstacles and adversity.

Accounting Mathematics

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Brendan M

Tutor in Northcliff, Randburg

chip background star 4.9
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2396 Hours Tutored

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I am an engineer with 20+ years industry experience and have the requisite patience & listening skills to be an effective tutor.

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Gizelle V

Tutor in Ottery, Cape Town

chip background star 4.9
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1719 Hours Tutored

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Experienced tutor with over 10 years of helping people reach their goals. I am a qualified archaeologist and love to help people push to do and be their best selves.

German English Afrikaans Accounting Natural Science Life Sciences (Biology)
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Itayi M

Tutor in Carrington Heights, Berea

chip background star 4.7

1744 Hours Tutored

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I believe that a goal is a dream with a plan and a deadline. My goal is to develop a career in education within Social Work, which would allow me to work with people from different backgrounds.

Physics Chemistry Statistics Mathematics Engineering Fluid Mechanics Engineering Drawing Chemical Engineering
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Lloyd D

Tutor in Windsor West, Johannesburg

chip background star 5.0
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1952 Hours Tutored

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I always pay careful attention to detail, and am an animated and interactive tutor. I am patient, understanding and accommodating.

SAT English Geography Chemistry Mathematics Physical Science Life Sciences (Biology) Economic Management Science (EMS)
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