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Get a tutorTutor in Brendavere, Sandton
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724 Hours Tutored
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I am an aspiring philanthropist. I have a wide variety of interests including music, technology, and animals.
Tutor in Fourways, Sandton
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345 Hours Tutored
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I would love to inspire a young child to make the most of their schooling experience. I love learning new skills and spending time outdoors training my labrador therapy dog.
Tutor in Kelvin, Sandton
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338 Hours Tutored
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I speak French & English fluently, I am a native French speaker. My passion is to teach, tutor, advise. My goal is to be the best teacher I can be so that learners can learn fast and effectively.
Tutor in Illovo, Sandton
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561 Hours Tutored
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I enjoy doing outdoor activities such as camping, hiking and water activities. I love animals, drawing, writing and reading.
Tutor in Lone Hill, Sandton
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351 Hours Tutored
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I am very compassionate and patient. I feel very strongly about my passions and interests.
Tutor in Paulshof, Sandton
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401 Hours Tutored
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I am an energetic, honest, caring teacher who is passionate about teaching children and making an impact on young lives. I thrive on difficult challenges and usually succeed in resolving them.
Tutor in Beverley AH, Sandton
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519 Hours Tutored
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Hello there!! I am a qualified structural technologist and Project manager with over four (6) years of tutoring experience in secondary education (CAPS & IEB) and University entry-level.
Tutor in Hurlingham, Sandton
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537 Hours Tutored
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I am a: -Private Coach: IsiZulu -Language Practitioner -Lecturer (UJ) -Tutor/ Mentor: Scholars to Postgrads -Translator, Editor, Proofreader, Interpreter -Wits PhD Candidate (School of Languages)
Tutor in Douglasdale, Sandton
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516 Hours Tutored
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I am an aspiring mathematician who has a focus on mathematics but bears an interest in all areas of learning. I'm great at understanding concepts and am very innovative.
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