Tutor Reviews

“Vijay has assisted in terms of helping Onika to plan her work and be prepared for her lessons. Onika has expressed that she enjoys the lessons. ”
- Nomthandazo
“We are happy with Vijay and the way she's tutoring Chris. He has expressed that he has a better understanding of the areas they've concentrated on in the last few lessons. It's clear that the one-on-one sessions are helping, and that Vijay is a good fit for Chris.”
- Jason
“Thanks to Vijay their has been a great improvement in Suads understanding of the English language . Looking forward to continuing lessons with Vijay next year . ”
- Zeenith
“Since Sakeenah has started with Vijay her grades has improved. She has a better understanding where maths is concerned.”
- Zaheera
“Vijay is always so pleasant, we enjoy having her in our house! ”
- Lauren
Millennial woman with curly black hair tutoring brunette teenage girl

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