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Ankia P

Tutor in Milnerton, Cape Town • 31 years old

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I am extremely passionate about Mathematics and sharing the knowledge I have obtained about the subject. I believe in living a balanced life and having time for sporting activities in my schedule.

I am a great tutor because of my great love and understanding of Mathematics. I know and understand how frustrating it can be when you just don't understand a Mathematical problem. I have so much patience when it comes to solving Mathematical problems. I have tutored before, at Ferdinand Postma High School and it gave me the greatest joy to share my knowledge.


• Degree in BSc Actuarial Science (2012-2014)
• BCom Actuarial Science (Hons)

My Proudest

• My greatest achievement to this day was obtaining my degree in BSc Actuarial Science last year at the North West University of Potchefstroom
• Being one of the top ten grade 12 learners in my district (Nkangala) in 2011
• Becoming a member of the Golden Key Society


  • School Tutoring


Grade 1 - Grade 12 NSC, IEB

Through my degree in BSc Actuarial Science, I have developed a broad knowledge and deep understanding of the subject through a number of Mathematical courses. I obtained an average of 90%+ from grade 8 to grade 12, the highest being 99% in grade 10.


Ankia will travel up to 15km from Milnerton, Cape Town, Western Cape to you.

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Reviews from others

“She is always smiling and positive. Keeps us informed if she is running late. Karen enjoys her lessons. ”
- Nadene
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