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Hellen K

Tutor in Summerstrand, Port Elizabeth • 32 years old

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I am a hard working, goal-oriented individual studying towards a degree in Pharmacy. I am a God-fearing Christian and believe that positivity is a major key to success.

I am patient and believe in a pressure-free environment for learning. I like to identify people's difficult areas in order to work on them and improve them. Sometimes all it takes is motivation and someone who believes in you, and I can be that person.


• 2014 - Present : Bachelor of Pharmacy (Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University)

My Proudest

• Being the top student in Bpharm2
• Joining a charity called Colour My World Kenya that changed my view on life (A registered non-profit society that seeks to make a difference by uplifting the lives of vulnerable and sick children in Kenya in slums and public hospitals)


  • School Tutoring


Grade 1 - Grade 12 Other (Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education)

My favorite subject. Most people tend to have a mental block towards it and its difficulty. Once you get rid of the mental block, it's all about playing with the same 10 numbers. I won't just teach, but also motivate.

  • University Tutoring


First Year - Third Year All ZCP modules

A positive mindset is my greatest asset. I believe one can understand in the way that best suits an individual, rather than conventional ways that don't always work for everyone. This way, it's not all about cramming.


Hellen will travel up to 15km from Summerstrand, Port Elizabeth, Eastern Cape to you.

Approximate location and area of coverage.

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