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Nadine M

Tutor in Randpark, Randburg • 31 years old

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I have completed my masters in Architecture, and I am using the first few months of this year in preparation for a move to the Netherlands to pursue my architectural career abroad.

In university, I helped many of my classmates in the understanding of scientific concepts in a basic way. Everyone is different and learns in different ways and I realised that through patience, and use of all the senses (listening, reading, speaking drawing) you can find a way that works for you and I could really help. Most importantly, I really enjoyed it, and look forward to tutoring!


• Completed:
• B.Sc Architecture, 2014, University of Pretoria
• Honours in Architecture, 2017, University of Pretoria
• Masters in Architecture, 2018, University of Pretoria

My Proudest

• Completing my masters in Architecture! My passion, I followed my dreams!
• Doing my final solo in my final grade of Ballet - with hard work and dedication, I finally made it!


  • School Tutoring


Grade 1 - Grade 8

I have always been an A Student in Mathematics, finding it easy to pick up the concepts. Through understanding the basics, any problem can be solved!


Grade 1 - Grade 8

As my favourite subject in school this is where my passion lies. Through engaging with all the senses can ones full potential be reached!

Physical Science

Grade 1 - Grade 8

IEB matric; Physics integrated in B.Sc Arch. Break down core concepts and find passion in "how the world works" as a drive for the challenge!


Nadine will travel up to 15km from Randpark, Randburg, Gauteng to you.

Approximate location and area of coverage.

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