Can tutor online
Can tutor in person
I am hardworking and trustworthy I am caring and good at working with numbers or calculations
What makes me great at helping others is the fact that I'm selfless and caring. I care about the success of other people and always provide a helping hand to anyone that needs help. I help people out of love not for certain benefits. I always ensure that I make a difference.
• BSc Human Physiology, Genetics and Psychology
• Honours of Arts in Applied Psychology
• A member of Young Men NPO- Mentorship Manager
• Have an experience as a volunteering tutor at an organization
My Proudest
• Obtaining a lot of trophies for passing my Matric with 7 distinctions
• Obtaining a lot of rewards/merit in a form of money from the University of Pretoria
• I have completed my undergrad with 23 distinctions off 32 modules
• I have also completed my Honours degree with 6 distinctions off 8 modules
Grade 1 - Grade 12 NSCI obtained distinctions in all my subjects in Grade 12, achieving 91% for Mathematics. I'm good with numbers and calculations. I am proficient in all the Mathematics topics covered in the high school curriculum and I am able to explain to others.
Physical Science
Grade 1 - Grade 12 NSCI obtained distinctions in all my subjects in Grade 12, achieving 98% for Physical Science. I am good at doing calculations and I am a critical thinker. My goal is to help someone who wants to get a distinction in their school subjects. As a result I am a passionate volunteering tutor
Grade 1 - Grade 12 NSCI am very good at writing and teaching the subject as it is evident on my Matric statement (a pass mark of 85%). I have tactics and approaches that I use to understand and pass the subject even if it is not your mother tongue. The tactics helped me to become the best student at school.
Grade 1 - Grade 12 NSCI am very good at teaching English First Additional Language (FAL). I even managed to score myself a distinction in the subject.
Life Sciences (Biology)
Grade 1 - Grade 12 CAPSI have been very good with Biology, I even continued with it at University. I passed very well and I know that helping or explaining the work to someone else will help improve their marks.
Sanele will travel up to 15km from Orlando, Soweto, Gauteng to you.
Approximate location and area of coverage.
Reviews from others
“She is a very patient tutor and made sure Tanya grasp concepts before moving on to the next concepts. ”- Gerda
“Sanele is well prepared for lessons and is intuitive in where Izabel needs assistance and they work very well together. ”- Megan
“She is well prepared and on time for every lesson and always makes sure I understand fully before moving on ”- Racquel
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